Welcome to the fourth lesson of our “HTML From Scratch” series! In this lesson, we will be delving into the world of HTML styles and formatting. HTML provides a wide range of tags and attributes that you can use to add visual style and formatting to your web pages.
We will be covering some of the most commonly used tags and attributes, such as font styles, text formatting, and color schemes. We will also discuss the importance of using styles and formatting consistently throughout your web pages to create a cohesive and professional look.
Overview about Our HTML Lesson 4
Five pages of summary in PDF format to start learning the HTML language from the beginning for a series of lessons that we will complete together to master the HTML,
As with our previous lessons, we will provide a PDF version of this lesson for your reference and convenience. So, let’s get started and learn how to add style and formatting to your HTML pages from scratch!

Lesson Content
- HTML Styles
- The HTML Style Attribute
- Background Color
- Text Color
- Fonts
- Text Size
- Text Alignment
- Chapter Summary
- Exercises
- HTML Formatting
- HTML Formatting Elements
- HTML and
- Elements
- HTML and Elements
- HTML Element
- HTML Element
Element HTML ElementHTML ElementHTML ElementHTML Text Formatting ElementsExercises
Lesson Format
Nu Of Pages
5 Pages
Download HTML Lesson 4 From here
The Previous Lessons:-
HTML From Scratch Lesson 1
HTML From Scratch Lesson 2
HTML From Scratch Lesson 3