In this third lesson on Java From Scratch series, we will explore Java’s data types in depth and learn how to cast between different types. Data types are fundamental building blocks in any programming language. They define the type of values that can be stored and manipulated.
Java is a strongly typed language, which means that every variable and expression has a type that is known at compile time. Java has a variety of primitive types for integers, floating point numbers, characters, booleans, etc.
It also has object types for more complex constructs. Knowing how to properly declare variables and cast between types is essential to writing clean, bug-free code in Java. This lesson will cover all you need to know about Java’s data types and type casting.
Overview about Our Java Lesson 3
Five pages of summary in PDF format to start learning the Java language from the beginning for a series of lessons that we will complete together to master the Java language
This lesson will cover all you need to know about Java’s data types and type casting.

Lesson Content
- Java Data Types
- Primitive Data Types
- Java Numbers
- Integer Types
- Floating Point Types
- Scientific Numbers
- Java Boolean Data Types
- Java Characters
- Strings
- Java Non-Primitive Data Types
- Java Type Casting
- Widening Casting
- Narrowing Casting
Lesson Format
Nu Of Pages
5 Pages
Download Java Lesson 3 From here
Java From Scratch Lessons
Lesson 1 PDF (Java Getting Started)
Lesson 2 PDF (Java Output, Comments, and Variables)