Welcome to the fifteenth lesson of the “Python From Scratch” series! In this lesson, we will be exploring three important topics in Python programming – scope, modules, and datetime.
We will begin by learning about scope, which refers to the visibility and accessibility of variables and functions in different parts of our program. We will learn about the different types of scope in Python, including global and local scope, and how to use them to write more efficient and organized code. Next, we will move on to modules, which are files that contain Python code that can be imported into other programs. We will learn how to create and import modules in Python, and how to use them to organize our code and make it more reusable.
Finally, we will explore the datetime module, which provides classes for working with dates and times in Python. We will learn how to create and manipulate dates and times using the datetime module, and how to perform various operations on them.
Throughout this lesson, we will be building on the knowledge and skills that we have developed in previous lessons, so it is recommended that you have a solid understanding of Python fundamentals before diving into this one. However, even if you are new to Python, you should be able to follow along with the examples and exercises provided.
Overview about Our Python Lesson 15
Python Scope & Modules & Datetime Seven pages of summary in PDF format to start learning the Python language with a series of lessons that we will complete together to master the Python language
By the end of this lesson, you will have a solid understanding of how to use scope, modules, and the datetime module in Python and how to incorporate them into your own programs. So, let’s get started!

Lesson Content
- Python Scope
- Local Scope
- Function Inside Function
- Global Scope
- Naming Variables
- Global Keyword
- Python – Scope Exercises
- Python Scope
- What is a Module?
- Create a Module
- Use a Module
- Variables in Module
- Naming a Module
- Re-naming a Module
- Built-in Modules
- Using the dir() Function
- Import From Module
- Python – Modules Exercises
- Python Dates
- Date Output
- Creating Date Objects
- The strftime() Method
- Python – Datetime Exercises
Lesson Format
Nu Of Pages
Download Python Lesson 15 From here
Python Lessons
Python From Scratch Lesson 1
Python From Scratch Lesson 2 Pdf (Python Variables)
Python From Scratch Lesson 3 PDF (Python Data Types, Numbers, and Casting)
Python From Scratch Lesson 4 PDF (Python Strings)
Python From Scratch Lesson 5 PDF (Python Booleans and Operators)
Python From Scratch Lesson 6 PDF (Python Lists)
Python From Scratch Lesson 7 PDF (Python Tuples)
Python From Scratch Lesson 8 PDF (Python Sets)
Python From Scratch Lesson 9 PDF (Python Dictionaries)
Python From Scratch Lesson 10 PDF (If … Else)
Python From Scratch Lesson 11 PDF (Python While Loops & For Loops)
Python From Scratch Lesson 12 PDF (Python Functions & Lambda)
Python From Scratch Lesson 13 PDF (Python Arrays, Classes and Objects)
Python From Scratch Lesson 14 PDF (Python Inheritance & Iterators)