Welcome to the eighteenth lesson of the “Python From Scratch” series! In this lesson, we will be exploring three important topics in Python programming – try/except statements, user input, and string formatting. We will begin by learning about try/except statements, which allow us to handle errors and exceptions in our code. We will learn how to use try/except statements to gracefully handle errors and prevent our programs from crashing.
Next, we will move on to user input, which is a critical aspect of many programs. We will learn how to accept user input in Python, and how to validate and sanitize that input to ensure that it is safe and correct. Finally, we will explore string formatting, which is a powerful tool for creating dynamic and flexible output in our programs. We will learn how to use string formatting to create complex strings that incorporate data and other variables.
Throughout this lesson, we will be building on the knowledge and skills that we have developed in previous lessons, so it is recommended that you have a solid understanding of Python fundamentals before diving into this one. However, even if you are new to Python, you should be able to follow along with the examples and exercises provided.
Overview about Our Python Lesson 18
Python Try Except & User Input & String Formatting Four pages of summary in PDF format to start learning the Python language with a series of lessons that we will complete together to master the Python language
By the end of this lesson, you will have a solid understanding of how to use try/except statements, accept user input, and utilize string formatting in Python, and how to incorporate them into your own programs. So, let’s get started!

Lesson Content
- Python Try Except
- Exception Handling
- Many Exceptions
- Else
- Finally
- Raise an exception
- Python User Input
- Python 3.6
- Python 2.7
- Python String Formatting
- String format()
- Multiple Values
- Index Numbers
- Named Indexes
Lesson Format
Nu Of Pages
Download Python Lesson 18 From here
Python Lessons
Python From Scratch Lesson 1
Python From Scratch Lesson 2 Pdf (Python Variables)
Python From Scratch Lesson 3 PDF (Python Data Types, Numbers, and Casting)
Python From Scratch Lesson 4 PDF (Python Strings)
Python From Scratch Lesson 5 PDF (Python Booleans and Operators)
Python From Scratch Lesson 6 PDF (Python Lists)
Python From Scratch Lesson 7 PDF (Python Tuples)
Python From Scratch Lesson 8 PDF (Python Sets)
Python From Scratch Lesson 9 PDF (Python Dictionaries)
Python From Scratch Lesson 10 PDF (If … Else)
Python From Scratch Lesson 11 PDF (Python While Loops & For Loops)
Python From Scratch Lesson 12 PDF (Python Functions & Lambda)
Python From Scratch Lesson 13 PDF (Python Arrays, Classes and Objects)
Python From Scratch Lesson 14 PDF (Python Inheritance & Iterators)
Python From Scratch Lesson 15 PDF (Python Scope & Modules & Datetime)
Python From Scratch Lesson 16 PDF (Python Math & JSON)
Python From Scratch Lesson 17 PDF (Python RegEx & PIP)